Pope Francis asks the Sisters of Nazareth to be a “haven of peace”

Greeting the nuns of the Holy Family, Francis encourages prayer and works of charity. They represent “signs of hope” especially for families “devastated by war and violence”

Prayer and works of charity, to make religious communities “thresholds” through which families “devastated by war and violence” can find refuge, “hope and peace in Christ the Savior.” With this wish, Pope Francis greeted the Sisters of the Holy Family of Nazareth this morning, December 4, in the Paul VI Hall. The occasion is the 150th anniversary of the congregation, a milestone that the Pope frames both as a “reason for gratitude” for the graces received, but also as an “opportunity” for spiritual renewal under the sign of “joyful service to the Lord.”

Patient and hopeful waiting

The anniversary, which falls at the beginning of the Advent season, “with its patient waiting, full of hope in the promises of the Lord,” is a model for “increasing our trust in God’s providence.” Francis has urged them to collaborate between the various missions of the congregation, united by the contemplation of Jesus, “especially in the Blessed Sacrament and in the people you serve.”

Communities for families

The anniversary, the Pope stressed, also coincides with the Jubilee, a precious time “to take stock of our life,” as individuals and as members of a community. A time that is also an opportunity to reflect and listen to “what the Holy Spirit tells us today.” A recollection that presupposes a heart open to an “authentic and personal encounter with the Lord Jesus, the “door” of our salvation.”

“May your communities be always like “thresholds” through which families, who are at the heart of your charism, can take refuge, find hope and peace in Christ the Saviour”

Grace that becomes joy

Francis does not fail to remember the “many” families “displaced from their homes, or who have fled their countries”, urging religious to work “for those who live in all kinds of difficulties”. “I heartily invoke upon all of you the blessing of the Lord”, concludes the Pope. “May his grace be your joy”.