Fr. Jorge Miró shares with the readers of Exaudi his commentary on the Gospel of this Sunday, December 15, 2024, entitled “Rejoice always in the Lord”
The Word of God that we proclaim today, the third Sunday of Advent, invites you to live joyfully in the Lord. If the Lord is near, his proximity should not be a reason for indifference or sadness, but for joy. Because the Lord, the Friend, the Husband, is coming.
The Word gives us some clues: The Lord has revoked your sentence, he has expelled your enemy… the Lord is in your midst… he rejoices and rejoices with you, he renews you with his love… I will trust and not fear, because my strength and my power is the Lord.
This coming of Jesus should fill you with joy, because your salvation is coming.
The Lord comes to you, to your heart, to your life. He comes to heal your wounds, to bear your sins and forgive them, to tell you that he loves you freely, just as you are; to tell you that he gives you a new life.
And this is the cause of true joy: to be certain of the fidelity and love of God, the certainty that there is nothing and no one that can separate you from the love of God manifested in Christ Jesus (cf. Rom 8).
Christian joy is not a state of mind or a feeling, but the experience of the presence of the Risen Jesus Christ in your heart, who with the gift of his Spirit makes your life new.
Joy is a gift from God, a fruit of the Spirit in your heart (Gal 5:22). Perfect joy is found by those who are at peace with God, open themselves to the action of the Holy Spirit and try to live according to the will of God.
True joy is not to be sought outside, in idols… True joy is found by those who allow themselves to be loved by God and strive to love Him and their brothers. Joy is found by those who, in the midst of life’s problems, take up the cross and fight with hope placed in salvation.
True joy is found in the experience of God, in living the presence of God in life. Only God can give you complete joy and happiness.
Do you want to find true joy? Be humble! Come to the Lord as people come to John the Baptist! Come to Him and ask Him: What do I have to do to be saved? What am I lacking, or what am I lacking in order to be saved? What do I have to do to find joy, peace and happiness in my heart?
Let yourself be led by the one who will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and fire… and the peace of God, which surpasses all judgment, will guard your hearts and your thoughts in Christ Jesus.
And then in your heart will appear what Saint Paul told us: the joy of enjoying God’s love and his faithfulness; trust: let nothing worry you; constant prayer, living his presence in your life; thanksgiving, praise, which is the response to the encounter with Love, the echo of his presence.
Come, Holy Spirit!
Rejoice always in the Lord: Commentary by Fr. Jorge Miró
Sunday, December 15, 2024
Fr. Jorge Miró shares with the readers of Exaudi his commentary on the Gospel of this Sunday, December 15, 2024, entitled “Rejoice always in the Lord”
The Word of God that we proclaim today, the third Sunday of Advent, invites you to live joyfully in the Lord. If the Lord is near, his proximity should not be a reason for indifference or sadness, but for joy. Because the Lord, the Friend, the Husband, is coming.
The Word gives us some clues: The Lord has revoked your sentence, he has expelled your enemy… the Lord is in your midst… he rejoices and rejoices with you, he renews you with his love… I will trust and not fear, because my strength and my power is the Lord.
This coming of Jesus should fill you with joy, because your salvation is coming.
The Lord comes to you, to your heart, to your life. He comes to heal your wounds, to bear your sins and forgive them, to tell you that he loves you freely, just as you are; to tell you that he gives you a new life.
And this is the cause of true joy: to be certain of the fidelity and love of God, the certainty that there is nothing and no one that can separate you from the love of God manifested in Christ Jesus (cf. Rom 8).
Christian joy is not a state of mind or a feeling, but the experience of the presence of the Risen Jesus Christ in your heart, who with the gift of his Spirit makes your life new.
Joy is a gift from God, a fruit of the Spirit in your heart (Gal 5:22). Perfect joy is found by those who are at peace with God, open themselves to the action of the Holy Spirit and try to live according to the will of God.
True joy is not to be sought outside, in idols… True joy is found by those who allow themselves to be loved by God and strive to love Him and their brothers. Joy is found by those who, in the midst of life’s problems, take up the cross and fight with hope placed in salvation.
True joy is found in the experience of God, in living the presence of God in life. Only God can give you complete joy and happiness.
Do you want to find true joy? Be humble! Come to the Lord as people come to John the Baptist! Come to Him and ask Him: What do I have to do to be saved? What am I lacking, or what am I lacking in order to be saved? What do I have to do to find joy, peace and happiness in my heart?
Let yourself be led by the one who will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and fire… and the peace of God, which surpasses all judgment, will guard your hearts and your thoughts in Christ Jesus.
And then in your heart will appear what Saint Paul told us: the joy of enjoying God’s love and his faithfulness; trust: let nothing worry you; constant prayer, living his presence in your life; thanksgiving, praise, which is the response to the encounter with Love, the echo of his presence.
Come, Holy Spirit!
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