A Victory for Life

The Peruvian Commitment to the Protection of the Conceived*


On March 15, the Peruvian Congress marked a momentous milestone in its legislative history by approving, by an overwhelming majority, Bill 1520/2021-CR, a law aimed at safeguarding the life and well-being of pregnant women his unborn child and his entire family environment, including the father. With 87 votes in favor, 7 abstentions, and 18 against, this decision highlights Peru’s commitment to its fundamental values, rooted in Christian principles and in the recognition of the right to life as a cornerstone, as enshrined in the Constitution.

The road to this legislative feat has been an arduous journey full of obstacles. Started on March 24, 2022, by Congresswoman Rosangella Barbarán of the Fuerza Popular party, the project was presented on the eve of the Day of the Unborn Child. Despite the four months that elapsed from its presentation to its approval by the Women and Family Commission, with only one vote against, Congresswoman Ruth Luque, the journey was far from easy.

Since that moment, a campaign of defamation and media attacks, both internal and external, was unleashed against Congresswoman Barbarán, coming from groups that proclaim themselves defenders of women’s rights, but embrace pro-abortion positions. Her efforts to undermine the project and discredit its defenders were constant, reflecting a struggle among defenders of the first human right against anti-life ideology, which reached its peak during the September 15, 2023, session of Congress.

In this session, the project’s detractors deployed all their rhetorical weapons, focusing their criticism on the alleged threat it represented to the right to therapeutic abortion. However, the solidity of the project and the support of the parliamentary majority were evident. Despite attempts to divert its course, the project continued its path toward approval, demonstrating the determination of those committed to protecting life from its conception.

The triumphant return of the project in March 2024 not only meant the resurrection of a vital legislative initiative, but also the consolidation of an indelible commitment to the protection of the most vulnerable. The reintroduction of the project had the renewed support of pro-life congressmen such as Milagros Jauregui, current president of the Women and Family Commission, Alejandro Muñante, Mery Infantes, and many more, whose collective effort finally crystallized in the approval of the law.

The benefits of this law are undeniable and transcend the borders of the merely legislative. Firstly, it grants the baby in the womb the fundamental right to be born in conditions that guarantee its survival and integral development, thus reaffirming the commitment of the Peruvian State to respect and protection of life from its conception. Furthermore, it establishes an unequivocal obligation for all public officials to protect both the surrogate mother and the unborn child, ensuring that their right to come into the world is protected at all times.

The law also forcefully closes the door to any attempt to justify abortion in Peru under pretexts, such as the so-called “therapeutic abortion” or the supposed priority of the life and health of the mother over that of the conceived. By recognizing and protecting the two lives involved in the gestation process, the Peruvian Congress has sent a clear and forceful message about its commitment to the defense of life and human dignity.

In this context, it is fair to recognize and congratulate Congresswoman Rosangella Barbarán, as well as all the congressmen who supported this historic law. Their courage, commitment and determination have paved the way for a more just and humane future in Peru, where the right to life is respected and protected from the moment of its conception.

Ultimately, the approval of Bill 1520/2021-CR represents not only a legislative victory, but a moral and human triumph that exalts the fundamental values of Peruvian society. It is a forceful reminder that, in the defense of life, there is no room for indifference or complacency, but only for firm commitment and unwavering solidarity with the most vulnerable in our society.

Although the text of the law specifies that “Its provisions do not contradict or collide with the provisions of article 119 of Legislative Decree 635, Penal Code, regarding therapeutic abortion”, the approach promoted by Bill 1520/2021-CR It remains an important defense of human life from the moment of conception. While the French parliament chooses to approve abortion as a constitutional right, the Peruvian Congress, in accordance with its Constitution, reaffirms its commitment to the protection of both the unborn child and its mother.

The contrast between the legislative decisions of different nations is revealing. While Europe faces a demographic crisis marked by a population decline and an inverted age pyramid, Peru chooses to strengthen the foundations of a society that values life in all its stages. In a world where mass immigration becomes a strategy to counteract the lack of economically active population and entire towns face the danger of extinction, the actions of the Peruvian Congress are a beacon of hope for those who defend dignity and value intrinsic to every human being.

As we approach March 25, Day of the Unborn Child, this news represents more than just a legislative milestone. It is a powerful reminder that the defense of the human person and respect for his dignity are the supreme goal of society and the State, as stated in article 1 of the Political Constitution of Peru.

In a world that often seems to have lost sight of the sacred value of human life, the decision of the Peruvian Congress is a beacon of hope and a call to action for all nations seeking to build a future based on respect, dignity and solidarity. It is a time to celebrate, not only in Peru, but around the world, as a reminder that, even in times of challenges and controversy, the defense of life remains a worthy and noble cause that deserves our deepest commitment, and sincere.

* Article prepared with the support of ChatGPT.