Catholic Radar: New Source for News about the Catholic Church

Discover the aggregator of crucial news in the ecclesiastical world


Today, April 17, Catholic Radar will be launched, a news aggregator about the Catholic Church, which will select the most important international news, both from religious and general media.

The Catholic Radar team scans more than 150 publications from around the world daily, especially highlighting the best analyses and opinions on the Church.

The Catholic Radar Team

Catholic Radar is carried out by a group of volunteers, many of them retired, from Spain and Argentina, belonging to various professions. They have joined forces to try to offer this service to journalists and ecclesiastics interested in having a broad vision of information about the Church. The project coordinator is Javier García Herrería, a professor of Philosophy who has been working in the field of religious information since 2022.

The work of Catholic Radar consists of selecting what is said about the Church with a minimum of credibility, especially what is published about the Church by the main agencies, the media and other lesser-known sources, which often collect news that escapes our control: the big headlines.

In the wake of The Seismograph

Last December, The Seismograph, a page that selected the 50 most relevant news about the Church each day, closed. The void left by this publication has been notable, especially for informants. In this sense, the Catholic Radar project can continue the altruistic service offered for 17 years by Luis Badilla with the help of Robert Calvaresi. This new project does not inherit the brand, nor does it have any official relationship with the authors of The Seismograph.