Father Jorge Miró shares with Exaudi readers his commentary on today’s Gospel, Sunday, January 28, 2024, titled “He taught them with authority”
The Word of God that we proclaim today invites us to discover that God speaks to man throughout the history of salvation. By speaking about him, God teaches us the path to eternal life, and he illuminates our lives as we walk through this world.
To do this, God raised prophets who in the Old Testament spoke and guided the people of Israel and prepared them for the arrival of Jesus Christ. They speak in the name of God and must be heard and obeyed.
When the fullness of time arrives, God becomes a man in Jesus Christ, and He teaches us and shows us the way of life. Jesus Christ is the Word that has become flesh and has camped among us. For this reason, Jesus Christ baffles those who listen to him and arouses admiration: because Jesus Christ speaks with authority, and ratifies his words by healing the sick and expelling demons.
The Word of God invites us to reflect on the attention we pay to God, who continues to speak to us. We must discover that Jesus also speaks to us with authority, because He alone is the Light of the world, because He is the only Teacher and the only Lord.
Therefore, Christ invites us today to have an attitude of respect, trust and obedience before his teaching. The Word of God is not just another opinion; It is not to discuss it, to negotiate it or to mundane it: it is to accept it confidently, assume it and try to live guided by its light.
And this is especially important to live in this time when we are trapped in a tremendous crisis of values, in a society that lives confused, dizzy, disoriented; a culture installed in a relativism that leads man to a deep existential loneliness.
Because today, God continues to speak to us, he continues to show us the path that gives us happiness and leads us to eternal life. Today, God speaks to us through the Church. She, by command of the Lord, transmits and updates his message.
The Church must transmit the message of Jesus Christ to men today. And she is often rejected for it. Because she must announce not what is fashionable or what is most comfortable, but what the Lord has entrusted to her. The Church knows that she is not the owner, but rather the administrator of the Word of God, and, therefore, she must transmit it as she has received it.
We must listen to the voice of God that continues to speak to us today, we must be grateful for knowing what the path of life is, and we must try to live in the light of this Word, even if, sometimes, we do not understand it. Life is in it.
Come Holy Spirit!
He taught them with authority: Commentary Fr. Jorge Miró
Sunday, January 28, 2024
Father Jorge Miró shares with Exaudi readers his commentary on today’s Gospel, Sunday, January 28, 2024, titled “He taught them with authority”
The Word of God that we proclaim today invites us to discover that God speaks to man throughout the history of salvation. By speaking about him, God teaches us the path to eternal life, and he illuminates our lives as we walk through this world.
To do this, God raised prophets who in the Old Testament spoke and guided the people of Israel and prepared them for the arrival of Jesus Christ. They speak in the name of God and must be heard and obeyed.
When the fullness of time arrives, God becomes a man in Jesus Christ, and He teaches us and shows us the way of life. Jesus Christ is the Word that has become flesh and has camped among us. For this reason, Jesus Christ baffles those who listen to him and arouses admiration: because Jesus Christ speaks with authority, and ratifies his words by healing the sick and expelling demons.
The Word of God invites us to reflect on the attention we pay to God, who continues to speak to us. We must discover that Jesus also speaks to us with authority, because He alone is the Light of the world, because He is the only Teacher and the only Lord.
Therefore, Christ invites us today to have an attitude of respect, trust and obedience before his teaching. The Word of God is not just another opinion; It is not to discuss it, to negotiate it or to mundane it: it is to accept it confidently, assume it and try to live guided by its light.
And this is especially important to live in this time when we are trapped in a tremendous crisis of values, in a society that lives confused, dizzy, disoriented; a culture installed in a relativism that leads man to a deep existential loneliness.
Because today, God continues to speak to us, he continues to show us the path that gives us happiness and leads us to eternal life. Today, God speaks to us through the Church. She, by command of the Lord, transmits and updates his message.
The Church must transmit the message of Jesus Christ to men today. And she is often rejected for it. Because she must announce not what is fashionable or what is most comfortable, but what the Lord has entrusted to her. The Church knows that she is not the owner, but rather the administrator of the Word of God, and, therefore, she must transmit it as she has received it.
We must listen to the voice of God that continues to speak to us today, we must be grateful for knowing what the path of life is, and we must try to live in the light of this Word, even if, sometimes, we do not understand it. Life is in it.
Come Holy Spirit!
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