Macron declares war on the unborn in France

We announce a political and cultural action for life on April 29 in Madrid

In the midst of a deep crisis in the protection and defense of fundamental rights in Europe, in which we live with death as spectators, less and less moved, in France they have promoted a measure that shakes the very foundations of our civilization: conversion of abortion in a constitutional right.

President Macron has stood out for his particular obsession with recognizing abortion as a right. Already in 2022, in his opening speech of the rotating European presidency, he urged the EU to include it as such in the Union treaties. It is curious to see how this issue has been put on the table during the most complicated moments of the French leader’s presidency.

Abortion is not a right, but a surgical intervention that aims to end the life in the womb of a pregnant human being.

The right to life is a fundamental right that must be protected and defended in every civilized society. However, the approval of abortion as a constitutional right in France raises serious questions about respect for human dignity and morality in political action.

It is unacceptable that Macron’s Government enshrines abortion as a fundamental right, aligned with important economic and social pressure groups, disguising it as a conquest of women’s freedom. The reality is that abortion is a failure. When the causes of abortion are studied, among all of them, the lack of support of any kind for the pregnant mother stands out. Without that support, we cannot speak of true freedom of choice.

From NEOS we appeal to the defense of the truth and affirm that abortion is a tragedy that affects not only the unborn, but also women who face difficult circumstances and need genuine and compassionate support and society as a whole, that embraces as a right what is an absolute moral degradation.

The approval of abortion as a constitutional right in France is a step backwards for humanity as a whole and for Europe as the cradle of human rights, and an affront to the most basic principles of ethics and morality. At a time when Europe needs a reaffirmation of its fundamental values more than ever, this measure represents a significant affront to social cohesion.

It is time for European leaders, especially those who were quick to point to the French case as an example to follow, abandon the defense of the culture of death and return to the defense of a culture of life.
Each human life is unique and unrepeatable and must be treated as such, regardless of circumstances or political pressures. Only in this way can we build a more just, supportive, compassionate and respectful future for all European citizens.

In these moments of great importance and gravity for Europe, we encourage you to participate in the great demonstration for Life called this Sunday, March 10, and we announce the call by NEOS and the Assembly for Life of a great meeting for life, which will take place in Madrid on April 29.

Jaime Mayor Oreja. President of NEOS and coordination of the Assembly for Life