Michigan will allow abortion up to the moment of delivery

Defending life is defending humanity and civilization

Infanticide, which is what Michigan now wants to legalize, is no more serious than abortion free of embryos or fetuses, currently in force in many states, like ours. But ending the life of a child in its birth by a cruel method shows how abominable the practice of any abortion, any euthanasia, or any murder is.

Gretchen Whitmer (Bridge file photo)

Michigan’s Democratic governor, Gretchen Whitmer, has signed a series of bills, including allowing abortions up to the moment of delivery, even if the baby is viable. In the same way, she authorizes abortion centers to hide information from women about the risks and complications that this atrocity entails. This decision is surprising when the requirement to inform the woman before ending the life of her child had already been supported by 72% of Michigan voters.

The news has been picked up by the media outlet LifeNews, which states that Whitmer will allow, even when the baby can survive birth, partial birth abortions, which consists of crushing the baby’s skull when its mother has partially delivered it, aspirating later his brain. This method of late-term abortion is an excruciating death for the child and a traumatic experience for the mother that poses health risks, says SBA Pro-Life America State Affairs Director Sue Liebel, who stressed that Governor Whitmer “He just signed some of the least compassionate measures in the history of the state.”

Abortion in the US

It was in 2022, when in a historic decision, the United States Supreme Court overturned the Roe v. Wade case, considering that the federal constitutional right to voluntary termination of pregnancy no longer existed. From then on, the right to abortion is determined by the states, unless Congress acts.

As one of the reports we published in our Observatory a few months ago indicates, access to abortion in the United States has changed dramatically over the last year.

Of the 50 states that make up the country, 14 completely prohibit abortion, according to Abortion Finder, a directory of sexual and reproductive health services in the United States.


Another 12 impose restrictions ranging from weeks 6 to 26 of gestation, as well as limitations on access to abortion services. In eight of them, the absolute or severe ban remains blocked by decisions of federal judges.

In five states, mild restrictions apply, while in 20 states, plus Puerto Rico and Washington DC, abortion is legal in advanced stages of gestation or without limits on the weeks of pregnancy.

*Graphic of the state of abortion in the world: The New York Times.

Bioethical assessment

The alleged justification of intervening to cause the death of a human being in certain circumstances, as has happened with abortion and euthanasia, gives way to a slippery slope that shows that the initial restrictions for these practices are progressively ignored, extending them to practically any circumstance, as in the case at hand.

It is no longer necessary for the baby to be sick, or for her mother to be at risk, or for a sick person to request euthanasia, or even for him to be sick.

Legitimizing homicide means degrading the human being who is killed and the executioner who exterminates him. And this degradation occurs in any circumstance, with or without illness, because attacking human life does not admit any justification, especially if it is done by a doctor whose function is, precisely, to try to preserve it or contribute to its improvement or alleviate the pain. suffering.

Infanticide, which is what Michigan now wants to legalize, is no more serious than abortion free of embryos or fetuses, currently in force in many states, like ours. But ending the life of a child in its birth by a cruel method shows how abominable the practice of any abortion, any euthanasia or any murder is.

Those who now defend the right to abortion or euthanasia will one day do so with the right to infanticide or the elimination of those who suffer or represent burdens to the state due to their dependency.

Killing will continue to be unacceptable, reprehensible, cruel and inhuman in any case. But to pretend that there is a right to do so is perverse.

Defending life is defending humanity and civilization. Destroying it will never be a right, but rather its abolition.

Julio Tudela – Cristina Castillo. Bioethics Observatory. Life Sciences Institute. Catholic University of Valencia