Pope Francis will participate in a conference on birth rates

The Pontiff returns to the event organized by the Forum of Family Associations in the “Auditorium della Conciliazione” on May 10, which celebrates its fourth edition

The Prefecture of the Papal Household informs that next Friday morning, May 10, in the Auditorium of Via della Conciliazione, Pope Francis will participate in the “General States of Birth”, an event whose theme will be “Being there. Younger, more future »

Already in 2021, the Holy Father had inaugurated the work of the first edition of the “General States of Birth” together with the then Italian Prime Minister, Mario Draghi and the president of the Forum, Gigi De Palo. In his speech he had launched a call in favor of birth, without which “there is no future,” he said, also expressing his sadness at seeing women at work discouraged from having children and having to hide their bellies. In 2022, the Pontiff returned for the second edition and also on that occasion he had shared with the public his regret over the fact that fewer and fewer children are being born: That – the Successor of Peter stressed – means impoverishing the future of all; Italy, Europe and the West are impoverishing their future.

Finally, last year, in 2023, the Pope intervened in the third edition; Next to him was the Prime Minister, Giorgia Meloni. “The birth of children, in fact, is the main indicator to measure the hope of a people,” said the Pontiff, who recommended adopting policies with a vision of the future, without ideological fences and preconceived positions. He also assured that birth and reception should not be opposed, “because they are two sides of the same coin, they reveal to us how much happiness there is in society.”