«Let the children eat first. “It is not right to throw your children’s bread to the dogs»

Visual metaphor about today’s Gospel: Reading of the holy gospel according to Saint Mark (7:24-30)

At that time, Jesus went to the region of Tire. He stayed in a house, trying to go unnoticed, but he did not succeed; A woman who had a daughter possessed by an impure spirit immediately found out, went to look for it, and fell at her feet. The woman was Greek, a Phoenician from Syria, and she begged him to cast the demon out of her daughter.

He said to him, “Let the children eat first. “It is not right to throw your children’s bread to the dogs.”

But she replied: «You are right, Lord; “But also the dogs, under the table, eat the crumbs that the children throw.”
He replied: “Go, go, because, because of what you said, the demon has left your daughter.” When he arrived at his house, he found the girl lying on the bed; “The demon was gone.”

Instagram Drawn Praises