Without foundations the building collapses

The Crisis of Identity and Values in the West

For our European parliamentarians, abortion is a constitutional right; Killing is a sign of development, as they made clear in the vote on April 11.

The European Union that its founders dreamed of was based on our Christian roots, making a united and reconciled Europe possible only in this way.

We remember the tenacity of Saint John Paul II because the “Christian heritage” of Europe was always mentioned since Christianity is that historical reality that bases the origin of the common European identity. And likewise, Pope Benedict XVI insisted on the need not forget the shared ethical and spiritual values for the construction of a just and peaceful social order, at the national and international level (World Day of Peace, January 1, 2011).

Recognizing these roots is building with solid foundations, building from the identity and common origin of Europe, but in no case does it mean going against religious freedom, the neutrality of the State, or assuming a State religion, fallacious reasons put forward by some. European parliamentarians not to mention in the Preamble of the European Constitution our Christian heritage, which is truly the guardian of our common values, ideals, symbols, our politics and the defense of our rights. For this reason, accurately, the Englishman Christopher Dawson assured that we can only understand Europe, in its historical development, through the study of Christian culture, since it forms the center of every process, and it was under the sign of Christianity that Europe had for the first time awareness of itself as a community of peoples possessing shared moral values and spiritual objectives.

How far from Dawson are the words of the French socialist Pierre Moscovici, European Commissioner for Economic and Financial Affairs, Taxation and Customs, at the time, when he stubbornly stated in 2016 that Europe is not Christian. I do not believe in the Christian roots of Europe.

Unfortunately, the ambiguity, secularization, and cowardice of Europe triumphed, and the Christian heritage was ignored, thanks to the votes of countries like France, Belgium, Sweden, Finland and Denmark…

And now we are surprised that these states have approved the resolution that defends women’s right to abortion and that calls on governments to take the necessary steps so that safe and legal abortion is enshrined in the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the Union of European?… If they are those who forgot their Christian roots and follow the 2030 Agenda with blind obedience!…

Let’s not give it any more thought, any building without foundations collapses and that is the future of Europe that builds in the air, on its secularist chimeras and under the postulates of Gramsci and his cultural Marxism, denying the Christian humanism that made it great.

As things stand, Europe is condemned to die and not in peace; The West in general is becoming extinct because it suffers from an enormous crisis of identity and values.

I want to conclude by making a personal confession and that is that it is very, very difficult for me to forgive these parliamentarians who want to take the place of God and who think that everything legal is moral; That is why I repeat it to convince myself: to be Christians, we must forgive the inexcusable, because that is how God acts with us.

Gracia María Pellicer de Juan – Collaborator of Rooted



The crisis of Identity and Values in the East

voices – Gracia María Pellicer de Juan – Rooted