“Dignitas Infinita”: A cry for the truth of human dignity

I hope that this document serves as a compass and hope for so many people who are disoriented, immersed in this sea of theoretical confusion


While ecclesiastical sectors in favor of LGTBI+ groups shout to the heavens[1] for the document published by the Vatican “Dignitas Infinita”[2], which rejects attacks against the life and truth of human beings, there are many of us Catholics who exultantly applaud these open and clear declarations that we so longed to be proclaimed.

Very providentially, the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith, a few days before the European Parliament voted to include abortion in the Charter of Fundamental Rights[3], came out in defense of life as the Apostles did, proclaiming Jesus Christ, the Way , Truth and Life. Because the Church of Christ has always had the mission of bringing the message of salvation to everyone, and has always denounced all ideologies and deviations that, even within the Church, have tried to confuse Christians and destroy this Divine Institution.

The attacks against human Anthropology that are expressed in this document are nothing more than attempts by the forces of Evil that want to destroy the dignity of the human being. Dignity that comes to us from God, who has created us in his image and likeness, who has given us life out of pure love and who wants us to achieve Eternal Life to forever enjoy his presence, infinite Love.  This, dear reader, cannot be tolerated by the Devil who works tirelessly to condemn us for all eternity. And it is no coincidence that this Vatican Declaration was approved by Pope Francis on March 25, the day of the Annunciation to Mary and the Incarnation of the Lord. And although to some this sounds like a kind of story or legend that we Christians have invented to cling to some false hope, there is no doubt that, without God, life ceases to have meaning and even the most atrocious attacks against Human Dignity can be committed.

That abortion, euthanasia, surrogacy or gender ideology are authentic attacks on human life loved by God, is something that perhaps you and I are very clear. However, as Pope Francis said at WYD 2016, they are “ideological colonizations”, and as such, they have been sneaking into many corners of our culture, they have been penetrating the sleepy minds of many people who, now, have believed themselves who are upright or prefer to look the other way and wash their hands like Pontius Pilate. For this reason, this ecclesial document becomes a breath of light in the midst of so many confusions, distortions and lies that exist around a “progressive awareness of the centrality of human dignity” that conceives human value according to the personal circumstances of each. The Second Vatican Council already spoke of the sublime dignity of the human person, of his superiority over things and of his universal and inviolable rights and duties[4]. And precisely, this dignity is what is being trampled in a legal manner and applauded by many social sectors.

Society has been suffering for decades from intense mental manipulation to destroy the basic principles and values that can sustain us as people. As Cardinal D. Antonio Cañizares stated, we are facing “new dragons with propaganda force.” In this way, we currently see a discouraging panorama around us: a minimum of moral demands are disregarded in favor of a false freedom, the truth is relativized by accepting any subjective idea, the culture of hedonism and materialism is rampant and the use of another as a sexual object of pleasure is considered normal and even a right.

Dignitas Infinita comes to punch the table, it comes to evict all those who have believed all these lies, who live profiting at the expense of the innocents who fall into these mafia networks. Dignitas Infinita, just as Jesus did when he entered the temple and found it being used for business, enters forcefully to show the only truth of, as this document says, the “dignity of all human beings” that “It goes beyond all external appearances or characteristics of people’s concrete lives.”

The document is made up of 4 main points in which it breaks down, in a 1st point, the different conceptions that have been had of the term “dignity” to this day, revaluing the conception that Christianity introduced in society, based on the Sacred Scriptures passing through the Holy Fathers and the great Councils of the Catholic Church. In a 2nd section, it starts from the announcement and proclamation of human dignity rooted in Christ, which elevates the human being to the category of Son of God. In a 3rd point, it explains the human rights and duties that are based, precisely, on that dignity that the Church defends. The most common attacks perpetrated against human dignity are expressed in point 4th, such as the drama of poverty, war, immigrant work, human trafficking, sexual abuse, violence against women, abortion and surrogacy. Euthanasia and assisted suicide appear in a special subsection, mentioning the silent drama they entail. The document also takes into account the actions carried out favoring the discarding of people with disabilities, who are vulnerable and fragile, as well as the theory of gender and sex change. In this sense, it once again reiterates, as on so many other occasions the Church has stated, that “all signs of unjust discrimination” as well as “aggression and violence” must be avoided, but it clearly denounces that the fundamental truth of life is being attacked , inviting us to accept and respect our humanity as it has been created by God.

It ends by expressing the danger of new technologies that are generating digital violence and actions of exploitation and exclusion that threaten human dignity.

In the final conclusion, Dignitas Infinita, reminds us that “it is on the basis of the recognition of human dignity that fundamental human rights are upheld, which precede and sustain all civilized coexistence.”

I sincerely hope that this document serves as a compass and hope for so many people who are disoriented, immersed in this sea of theoretical confusion. May it serve as a raft for all those who lie submerged in a sea of doubts. May it be an instrument of shield for all those who work to defend the truth of human dignity in various sectors of society.

And, above all, let it be a drop of healing water, for all those thirsty mouths that seek an answer to the suffering they suffer because they are victims of the violation of their own human dignity.

Alicia Beatriz Montes Ferrer – Enraizados Collaborator



voices – Alicia Beatriz Montes Ferrer – Rooted



[1] https://www.infocatolica.com/?t=noticia&cod=49171

[2] https://press.vatican.va/content/salastampa/es/bollettino/pubblico/2024/04/08/080424c.html?smclient=8fae9706-0779-11e9-b9e9-3cfdfeb6e6ec&utm_source=salesmanago&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=default #:~:text=(Dignitas%20infinita)%20An%20dignity%20infinite, situation%C3%B3n%20in%20that%20is%20found

[3] https://adelanteespana.com/el-11-de-abril-el-parlamento-europeo-va-a-votar-reformar-la-carta-de-derechos-fundamentales-para-incluir-el-aborto

[4] Second Vatican Ecumenical Council, Const. past Gaudium et Spes (December 7, 1965), no. 26