Reflection by Bishop Enrique Díaz: “May they be one, Father, as You and I are one”

The Holy Trinity

Image of the Holy Trinity © Cathopic

Mons. Enrique Díaz Díaz shares with Exaudi readers his reflection on the Gospel of this Sunday, May 26, 2024, entitled: “May they be one, Father, as You and I are one.”


Deuteronomy 4, 32-34. 39-40: “The Lord is the God of heaven and earth, and there is no other”

Psalm 32: “Blessed are God’s chosen people”

Romans 8, 14-17: “You have received a spirit of children, by which we can call God Father”

Saint Matthew 28, 16-20: “Baptize all nations in the name of the Father and of the Son and the Holy Spirit.”

Today, our celebration has a very special meaning. It is true that every day, and especially on Sundays, our praise and contemplation are directed to our God, indeed, everything we do always has its origin and purpose in Him, but today we want to do it more consciously, stop for a moment and contemplate it, experience its inner life, and let ourselves be “bathed”, enveloped, by its love. Moses, in the first reading this Sunday, praises and praises a God who has shown his power in favor of the people, who has created man with special love, who speaks to him, who accompanies him, who has brought him out from slavery to make them his people. God is someone who has revealed himself, has revealed himself and has shown his face in the middle of the fire. He connects with the whole person; he has made Israel his favorite people; It has become his personal property. All these benefits have been free, undeserved on the part of the Hebrews. And that is why Moses asks the people not to forget, that his law is the law of life to maintain the relationship with God, the source of happiness.

When I hear Moses speak and express himself like this about God, it seems strange to me to hear those who affirm that the God of the Old Testament is a cruel and punishing God… It is true, he is jealous, but out of love. But I am more surprised by the images that many of us have of God, reduced to a caricature of what he is not. A kind of plugging holes to solve what our ignorance or laziness has not discovered. Someone to blame for our complexes and failures. Someone distant and at the same time inquisitive. And then, since one has this very erroneous concept of God, one ends up denying him, even though one later seeks him in beauty, in justice, in the desire for community and love.

If we already found glimpses of this goodness and beauty of a close God in the Old Testament, with Christ, “the verb made flesh,” God breaks the walls where we had enclosed him, heaven, the temple and the sanctuary, and becomes a wayfarer, companion, friend and brother. A face that discovers and reveals a great mystery and that calls us to know it and live it: “Come and you will see it”I do not call you servants because the servant does not know what his master is doing, I call you friends because I have made everything known to you what I have learned from the Father”. And he invites us to participate in that life, unity and dynamism that they are living in the company of the Spirit. His desire is that “all be one, as you’re in me and I in you are one.” Our God in his most intimate mystery is not loneliness, but a family. And the Lord Jesus invites us to this unity and vitality. It is the mystery that he wants to reveal to us, but not to examine it scientifically, but to live it in love and friendship. Scientists now worry about the glands and hormones that help or hinder the awakening of love or friendship, but whoever truly loves, who is a true friend, does not need descriptions, but rather the experience of love. Likewise, Jesus calls us and invites us to live in this dynamic and creative harmony of the Holy Trinity, where everything is unity, creation and explosion of love.

This is the most accessible revelation of God and the Trinitarian mystery of him. The Trinity is not only the ideal and model of union, diversity and communion that the Church is called to achieve among its members. The Trinity is the source of our Christian life and identity. It reveals to us that God in his most intimate mystery and in his deepest revelation is not loneliness, but family: paternity, filiation and living and creative love. It is the best expression to understand our Christian life as an encounter, sending, promise and presence. That is why we must break our walls to follow Jesus, that is why we must go to the whole world and incarnate and fully live communion and the human family.

The message that Jesus makes to us today in the gospel would not make any sense if we have not experienced love in the first person. It makes no sense to “be baptized,” to immerse oneself, to lose oneself in the Trinity, if we are not filled with the Spirit of Love. It is not a matter of learning, it is a matter of life, of letting oneself be loved, of losing oneself in the infinity of this Triune God who fills us of his entire life, of his love and of his creative Spirit. Our sending has the same meaning and the same power as Jesus: “Just as the Father has sent me.” Then we too are sent to proclaim, to live and to announce the love that is in our God. To say that we have experienced it, and to make all men partakers of this love. Day of the Holy Trinity, a day when we must fully live this communion with our God and with our brothers. How are we living it?

God the Father, who by sending into the world the Word of truth and the Spirit of holiness, revealed to men your admirable mystery, grant that by professing the true faith, we may recognize the glory of the eternal Trinity and adore the unity of its omnipotent majesty.  Amen.