Saint John Paul II Award to honor work for justice and peace in Uganda

Grzegorz Gałązka

The award ceremony of the Saint John Paul II Award took place on Wednesday 22 May, at 5.00 pm, in the Sala Regia of the Apostolic Palace in the Vatican, during which Father Leonard OLOBO, president of the John Paul II Justice and Peace Center (Kampala, Uganda), received the diploma and the statuette of the first edition of the Saint John Paul II Award. The ceremony was attended by cardinals Pietro Parolin and Kurt Koch, as well as representatives of the Polish clergy and from around the world, including Archbishop Marek Jędraszewski of Kraków. Previously, accompanied by Monsignor Pawel Ptasznik, president of the John Paul II Vatican Foundation, and Professor Hanna Suchocka, member of the Prize Jury, Father Olobo met Pope Francis in audience, with whom he discussed the activities of the Kampala center and of working for justice and peace in Uganda and Africa.

The St. John Paul II Award, an initiative of the John Paul II Vatican Foundation to honor the efforts made to embody the legacy of the Polish Pope, was awarded this year for the first time. The winner of the first edition of the award was the John Paul II Justice and Peace Center (JP2JPC) of Kampala, Uganda, founded in 2006 on the initiative of seven religious congregations operating in Uganda and inspired by the post-synodal exhortation Ecclesia in Africa (1995 ). The objective of the John Paul II Justice and Peace Center is the practical promotion of the social teaching of the Church, in particular that of Saint John Paul II. The organization, directed by Father Leonard Olobo, has worked for years to promote social justice and peace in the region.

Grzegorz Gałązka

Father Leonard Olobo, president of JP2JPC, received the diploma and statuette from Cardinal Pietro Parolin. In his speech, he thanked for the award and underlined the importance of international support for justice and peace work. — Let us pray and act to continue the legacy of John Paul II for social justice in Uganda and other countries — said Fr. OLOBO.

Cardinal Kurt KOCH, President of the Dicastery for Promoting Christian Unity, who presented the winner of this year’s St. John Paul II Prize, underlined the importance of the work of the John Paul II Justice and Peace Center in the field social, economic and political of Uganda.

— The creation and work of the John Paul II Justice and Peace Center were inspired by the social teachings of John Paul II — said Cardinal KOCH.

Archbishop Marek JĘDRASZEWSKI, head of the John Paul II Vatican Foundation, in opening the ceremony, underlined that through the cyclical granting of the prize, the Foundation wants to support people and institutions that refer to the legacy of John Paul II or inspire him. — Activities such as those carried out by JP2JPC are a testimony to the practical realization of the teaching of John Paul II — declared Archbishop Jędraszewski.

Grzegorz Gałązka

In his speech, Cardinal Pietro PAROLIN, Secretary of State of the Holy See, underlined the central role of the human person, both in the teaching of John Paul II, and in Catholic social doctrine, and in the work carried out by the JP2JPC. — Catholic Social Doctrine is not a third way between liberal capitalism and Marxist collectivism, but a prophetic realization of the teaching contained in the Gospel — stated Cardinal Pietro PAROLIN. — If we want to describe the relationship between Saint John Paul II and Africa, we can say that John Paul II aimed above all to open horizons of hope in this continent — added Cardinal PAROLIN, indicating the continuation of this message by the Popes Benedict XVI and Francesco. — Without a doubt, the work of the JP2JPC in Kampala, Uganda, is a concrete realization of this mission — concluded the Secretary of State.

The award ceremony of the Saint John Paul II Award was not only an opportunity to honor the actions, but also to reflect on the values that should guide the modern world, preached by Saint John Paul II during his pontificate.

The Saint John Paul II Award was established on February 7, 2023 with a decision of the Board of Directors of the John Paul II Vatican Foundation to honor people, organizations or initiatives that, in their scientific, cultural and social activities, are inspired by teaching or to the inspiration of Saint John Paul II and contribute to the promotion of his legacy. The objective of the Saint John Paul II Award is to support activities and projects that deepen the study of the Polish Pope’s teachings and put them into practice.

For more information on the Saint John Paul II Prize, visit the website