We need peace in this time of world war

The Pontiff urges once again not to forget Ukraine, Palestine, Israel, Myanmar and all countries suffering from conflict

No longer “in pieces”, but a true “world war.” Words of bitterness were spoken by the Pope at the end of the general audience, before thousands of faithful gathered in St. Peter’s Square.

Let us pray for peace. We need peace. The world is at war.

Reflections on Ukraine, the Middle East, Myanmar

Francis departed from the written speech and listed the countries suffering from conflict: Ukraine, where the rain of Russian drones continues; the Middle East, where the deaths from bombings do not stop; Myanmar, with its internal crisis and the drama of the Rohingya.

Let us not forget the tormented Ukraine, which is suffering so much. Let’s not forget Palestine, Israel: stop this war. Let’s not forget Myanmar and let’s not forget so many countries at war.

“Brothers and sisters, we ask you to pray for peace in this time of world war,” is the Pope’s call.

Invitation to children

A peace that everyone, with their contribution, can build. Also, the children. In his greeting just before to the Polish pilgrims, Francis, addressing all the children who were celebrating their First Communion, “an important encounter with Jesus,” encouraged them to “at this moment of joy also know how to see the needs of their contemporaries who suffer”, victims of war, hunger and poverty.

May Mary teach us humble service, a source of peace in the world and in the Church.

The shortage of vocations in Italy

In the midst of the dramas of the world, the Pope also briefly reflected on the problems of the Church, such as the vocations’ crisis. In his greeting to the Italians, looking at the consecrated women present in St. Peter’s Square, Francis said: «I see these novices and I wonder: how many are Italian? Hey? Few… In Italy, there is a lack of vocations to consecrated life.