An Angel Named Rebekah: The True Story of the Young Girl Who Touched Heaven

A moving film that excites and transforms in equal parts

The moving story of Rebeca Rocamora Nadal came to the big screen this April 26 with the premiere of “An angel called Rebeca”, a film directed by José María Zavala and produced by the brothers Borja and Inés Zavala. Distributed by European Dreams Factory, this film promises to thrill and captivate viewers with the inspiring life of a young woman who defied adversity with a smile on her lips and unwavering faith.

Rebeca Rocamora Nadal, born in the farm de Rocamora, province of Alicante, on September 7, 1975, is a living example of how reality can surpass fiction. Throughout the twenty short years of her life, she faced cancer with courage and strength that left an indelible mark on those who knew her.

Declared a Servant of God by the Holy See, Rebeca’s story is a testimony of love, sacrifice, and service to others. Through testimonies from family, friends, and ecclesiastical authorities, the film immerses us in the life of this extraordinary young woman, whose faith and devotion led her to live the Passion of Christ in her flesh.

“An Angel Called Rebecca” is not only a tribute to the life of this young saint but also a window into her beatification process, propelling her path toward sainthood recognized by the Church. With never-before-seen images, moving testimonies, and an original soundtrack that accompanies every moment, this film promises to inspire and move all those who seek examples of kindness and hope in a world full of challenges.

Directed by José María Zavala, recognized for his work in films such as “The Mystery of Padre Pio” and “Wojtyla. The Investigation”, and with photography by the talented Miguel Gilaberte, this film is a work of cinematographic art that you cannot miss.

So mark your calendar and get ready to be carried away by the story of “An Angel Called Rebeca”, a young woman who touched heaven with her life and her example of unconditional love.

José Ignacio Munilla, Bishop of Orihuela-Alicante, comments that one of the greatest joys when taking possession of his new Diocese was finding Rebeca’s process underway, and now he participates in this first film about her together with the postulate of her process of beatification, José Cristóbal Moreno, and Sister Milagros, a Carmelite nun cured by her intercession in the face of the stupefaction of the doctors. In “An Angel Called Rebeca” the testimonies of Rebeca’s mother, María del Rosario Nadal, and her three sisters also come to light: Laura, Rosa and Lourdes, who reveal unknown anecdotes about the Servant of God from her most tender years of childhood. The involvement of the family and those in charge of the ecclesiastical process in this first film about Rebeca is total, as is that of her friends and classmates and catechists, or that of the neighbors of the farm de Rocamora, since Rebeca always had a reputation for holiness in life.